Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Bird calls! For the past three days we gave heard a chiming call, around about a minute apart, from an unsighted bird high up in our cedar. Not a bellbird nor a tui but I wondered if it might be a shining cuckoo. Could it be, this far north (Waikato')? It sounds forlorn.
Photos? I could post lots of old cinemas from around NZ. -
@Ben. Why do people keep voting in that drongo Dunne? He is Mr Opportunist supreme.
Thanks, Rob ... and I would like to add to Craig's praise of The Orator. Slow cinema tends to divide audiences; some fall asleep, other delight in the gradual unfolding of the plot. The Orator could not be made any other way.
The vital element is getting the word out about films and where they are screening. I would really like to see this doco but haven't seen nor read anything about where or when it is screening. Is it travelling the independent/art house circuit? Will it screen in Wellington (I will be down there next week)?
It was not my primary objective in setting it up but once I have full information up on my site, it might well help getting films like this around the country.
Only woke to the results this morning after deciding to watch a Japanese movie with friends last night. It was a sense of the inevitable, after spending most of Saturday waiting in vain for requests to drive folk to the polling booth. So,we have a nobody MP (David Bennett) again instead of a dynamic young woman like Sehei Orgard. But she is not giving up.
The best thing, though, was walking down to the polling booth at the local school with my daughter Catherine Rose, who was voting for the first time. -
Capture: Don’t Point Me Out In A Crowd, in reply to
Interesting that MGMT have included The Chills on their LateNightTales compilation (HMV) in An inspirational after hours mix featuring new and rare inspirational gems hand picked by MGMT (from The Word December 2011)
Zombies are what they are; ACT denies its true zombie-hood.
Muse: Friday Fluff: Shelf Life, in reply to
or self-flagellation?
I really like this from Doug Coutts, in Onfilm November 2011:
"...I've always thought that the only people who do well from self-help books are those who write them, and sell them. Everyone else may have a bookcase stacked with programmes for total fitness through 20 minutes of creative visualisation a week, healing pimples with macrame and sleeping your way to riches beyond compare, all with copious notes in the margin, but they're still fat, pock-marked and broke. Although they might have a nearly full loyalty card from Borders."
Bloody hell. Who will replace Rick Ellis? A job for one of the boys, if National get back in?
I had better go have my 'talk' about my pitch with TV ONE whilst there is still someone left there.
Spreading the news about the Media 7 SPADA Special around media teachers.