Posts by Geoff Lealand
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For fuckin' doing what? Marryatt was not a success when he had a similar position with the Hamilton City Council.
Jeez, David, you are well overdue for some good fortune. For all your troubles, you deserve to keep the sheep (see photo).
Hard News: It was a munted year, in reply to
Morning Report report: you did very well, young lad.
Pretty sure it is. There is also a good study guide for teachers to go with it.
.... and the migrating whales offshore, the wonderful wild flowers on the clifftops and the curious old watertowers...and the lovely song by Kate & Anne McGarrigle
The Taramakau dredge! Once camped overnight on a scrap of land nearby and oh, it was a restless night. Such fiendish grinding and wrenching.
Photos in barns: must dig out a great photo taken inside an abandoned and huge American barn down the hill from my brother's home in Mendocino CA. Painted in bold white letters: We Are Watching You!
The direct link is but the home site is worth visiting.
Russell; in celebration of PAS and your associated activities, I have dedicated my latest guest blog ('Media eats media') for the UK site Critical Studies in Television Online to Media 7. Take a look and tell me what you think (and pass it on to Phil and the team?]
What, no mention of Tom Waits yet?
Kind of like English folkie June Tabor's + The Oyster Band version of "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
Wooden Shipjes and The Felice Brothers too.
I'm F**kin Starving
We already have Scoffs just down the road, with "Takeaways For Adults"