Posts by Geoff Lealand
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'fer sure and what look like grape hyacinths in the background and hostas in the foreground.
Damn waxeyes in the raspberry enclosure again. You are pressing your luck, little birds! -
Hard News: Nobody wanted #EQNZ for Christmas, in reply to
That Newbold is a right nong. How exactly do you determine an 'effeminate' appearance? Sort of like saying that you can tell that Newbold was once a crim by his appearance??
Cunning little bastards. Discovered two little waxeyes who had found a way into my raspberry enclosure this morning. They were released but with a severe warning.
Or a stona bag? Are you sure it isn't one of those scarey Dr Who statues?
Lilith; These are Ornamental or Sea Thistles, closely related to globe artichokes and yer pesky Scotch Thistle. I should post a photo of an artichoke bud once it opens into a display of intensely blue stamens.
Capture: Roamin' Holiday, in reply to
I noticed that but no films anymore, since the departure of Richard Weatherly and the more recent, unsuccessful attempt to revive screenings?
Capture: Roamin' Holiday, in reply to
Oruru. Of course, also the home of the now defunct Swamp Palace. No more films but there is a bloke selling bric-a-brac. Bought an ancient film splicer off him. People probably still venture down the road as it is still on AA road maps.
Very good news but he will still be out there, inflaming prejudices in the provinces.
Supremely disappointed that I will be out of the country when Death Cab For Cutie play their one Wellington concert. But my daughter has pointed out the irony that I will be in Hipster City (Portland OR) instead.
Just a thought; is anyone else a little unsettled by the way Christmas consumption has now extended beyond December 24, into the post-Christmas week. Boxing Day might be better named Buying Day. All this consumption is portrayed by the media as A Good Thing but there is no more a depressing sight than customers rummaging through half-price Christmas baubles on December 26.
Is it a commentary on significant shifts in NZ society?