Posts by Geoff Lealand
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More likely to be waving garden rakes and secateurs with this lot.
Done and dusted. Have yourself a great Christmas,
Jackson's Bay. My beloved and I once biked all the way down there from Nelson, to visit Les Cleveland who had (may still have) a bach at Neil's Beach (a little burg just shy of Jackson's). One of the most interesting places down there is the graveyard of those who died in the failed attempt to establish a settlement in the c19th--large Southern Beech growing up through twisted wrought iron grave surrounds.
On our way there, we camped under the
bridge at Haast, not realising it couldhave been where the body of Jennifer Beard was found. Spooky! -
Some quite enlightened thinking from the Law Commission. The problem with the BSA is that the majority of complaints it receives are vexatious or downright banal. Then it takes an age to adjudicate on them. If there was to be a new body, it would have to wary of occupation by both sectional interess (eg Christian fundamentalists) and comnmercial freewheelers. Maybe some sort of electoral college rather than govt or industry appointments, as well as some sort of upper threshold regarding the seriousness of a complaint?
Add to that, icon
"Mums and Dads" ... or the singular form
"Dum and Mad". -
@Joe: White Niagra? I have had a good crop from mine for 4 years but the vine has gone into decline. Recommend tying small paper bags over each bunch, before they ripen, as the birds love them.
Also have great photos of my father in the North African desert in WW2--all off duty (drunk soldiers sleeping it off, washing themselves naked in the sunlight). Must search them out.
Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to
Thanks, Jackson. I will certainly consider this. I am posting two photos with each cinema on my site but I will have plenty left over.
Any good time for this, -
Interesting, though, to hear firsthand about the pressures editors face from business, advertisers, politicos and local busybodies, from the editor of the Waikato Times at the Journalism Education conference last week.