Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Speaker: Doing the right thing on retirement, in reply to
The research I am interested in doesn’t usually cost much and my faculty generously offers contestable funding every year. So, I am currently seeking around $5000 for 2012 to add South Island cinemas to my site. In the arts/social sciences, there is really only the highly competitive Marsden fund but we do have two funded projects in our department (on gaming, and online documentaries). In general, govt departments favour often crappy market research.
It must be hard when life is such a struggle. My take on retirement is different from those who have less choice and where retirement enables them to have a life that scratching a living has made difficult. It is the opposite for me:I love what I do and have enormous opportunities (teaching, writing, thinking) and I suspect that retirenent would be much duller.
Didn't agree with John Waters closing comment last night viz that an angry 20 year old is sexy but an angry 65 year old is an arse-hole. You have to stay angry about things which are wrong about this world, until the moment you die. -
I never had grandparents as my mother was an orphan by age nine (her father dying in WW1 and her mother dying of poverty in Whitechapel). My father was her third husband, with parents long dead. So, I sometimes wonder if I have missed something.
Technically, I am now in a possession to be a grandfather (presuming my children know who to do it) but wonder if I could cope with babies again. Walking and talking children are fine but babies are a foreign species once more. -
With shades of Wallace and Grommit?
Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ..., in reply to
Yes, Owen Glenn is the self-regarding bloke who throws money at things so he can plaster his name on them. As if we need any more business schools, which are the ruination of universities.
On something completely different--I have spare soya beans again and can send a bunch your way, getting the address correct this time.
Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ..., in reply to
How young? Five year olds?
The LP doco-cum-launch is impressive but Our Helen seems to be missing from the history. My Touch is refusing to access the Nats launch (wise little device) and I fear the ACT show might well fry it.
School cadets? I don't hold grudges (well, not many) but jeez did I hate school cadets. Bumped up little bullies and cowed school boys. I do believe it was the genesis of my loathing of the military, and authority figures generally.
But I thought the majority of debt is private debt?
Great, Ben. But provide some shelter for your tomatoes for they will suffer if night-time temperatures fall below 10c.
We are about to have a bbq, to celebrate one of my Chinese students graduating with a PhD this week, the burst of spring and, of course, last night's victory--and the silencing of Stephen Donald critics! -
Hard News: When the Game is Over, in reply to
Yes, I am mightily pleased that Donald was our saviour as I never understood the venom levelled against him in the past. A very good Number 10 and a thoroughly decent bloke.