Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Movement, in reply to
Just as a matter of interest. What is the best photo file format for posting on blogs?
I think jpg is still the most universally acceptable format for digital images on the Internet. On here, as Russell has covered again recently, file size of 500 kb, with max height width of around 1000 to 1200 pixels, fits best in this context. Also means harder for others to grab a photo and reuse it in print elsewhere.
Capture: Peak Pohutukawa, in reply to
A request:
Hi Bart.
So all you want is the perfect pohutukawa shot, with Hobbiton in the background?
I'll get right on it. :-)
Seriously though, I would personally be happy for you to use one of my images, I just don't think I have any that meet the criteria. Let me know if you see one here you'd like.
Capture: Peak Pohutukawa, in reply to
Hi Chris.
Thanks for posting. We seem to be having an issue with images flipping sideways, at least in the preview. It may be something to do with the size of the file, as yours is the second full resolution file to do this in the last two days.
I resized your photo and saved it just using the Preview software on my Mac. That seemed to fix it.
Hi Shaun. Fixed it, I think.
Interestingly when I clicked on your original image, the link went to the right way.
When I saved it to my computer, it was also up the right way. I then resized it to 1200 pixels max using just preview on Mac, and uploaded it again . I’m wondering if the size might also have something to do with it?
If your photo software can export to smaller sizes that might be better. One more thing, the extension of your file was .JPG whereas most are .jpg (lowercase). We have had problems with this before, if I recall correctly.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Capture: Movement, in reply to
Any ideas?
Hi Shaun. Give Nora’s suggestion a try. If it doesn’t stick, just post it sideways and send me a note (email link above) and I’ll try to fix it.
There seems to be no rhyme nor reason sometimes. I’ve been caught by it myself when posting photos from my phone.
Capture: Peak Pohutukawa, in reply to