Posts by JacksonP
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Busytown: Tell You What: A Nonfiction Giveaway!, in reply to
August Sander’s legendary photo-documentary project People of The 20th Century
Thanks Craig. That looks amazing. Hope you and yours are keeping well, and a very Merry Christmas to you.
Capture: Movement, in reply to
Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland…
I Tell You What, that’s an awesome shot Kieran. Thanks for joining in, and I hope you post more of your pictures.
Cheers, and Merry Christmas.
I’m also a possessor of both volumes, and really just wanted to express how much I enjoyed Tell You What in the first instance, and will move on to RB’s now I’ve finished that.
I’m not a non-fiction reader, as a rule, but this essay format seems to suit me. Maybe it will be the gateway drug for longer forms, although I really struggle with autobiographies, for some reason.
Having said that, there have been a few photographic collections I’ve enjoyed this year.
Tuhoe – Portrait of a Nation by Kennedy Warne, and Peter James Quinn.
Retro Caravans by Don Jessen, because retro, and caravans.And finally, in the rock legends category, my pre-ordered copy of Obscure by Andy Vella arrived recently. Which is pretty much a book about Robert Smith’s hair, as it turns out, but I love it.
Hard News: We're in this together, in reply to
I want to also acknowledge Nora Legs prolific contributions there.
Thanks for the nudge Steven.
Yes, Nora has been a sustaining force, and her contributions are always thematically relevant and excellent quality. Much aroha Nora.
And of course Jonathan G, who has helped maintain the space from the get go. Shot, bro. Wouldn't be doing this without your encouragement and support.
Hard News: We're in this together, in reply to
Looking back, my first post here was now 5 years ago, during the Carly binding referendum. Still can’t work out how that didn’t win WOTY in 2009. I mean, who even is Michael LHaws?
At times this community has sustained me, at others driven me to distraction, but it remains unique among online communities, IMhO, in that the engagement is 99% of the time delivered with good intent, and mutual respect. This is no mistake, and takes a lot of effort by the whole community. Nice work. Take the day off.
Ahem. Love your work Russell, and thanks for letting us share in the good times.
You can dance, if you want to.
God damn you, Russell.
This one’s for you too Danielle. :-)
Good morning all.
Righto, after much deliberation, over the length of a coffee this morning, here are my top ten.
Kebabette – windblown
Lara – upside down Sam.
Gareth – Takeaway lunch.
Nora- Gulls.
Lilth – amazing waves.
David Hood – shooting through the sprinkler.
Bruce Buckman – Gannet at Muriwai.
Shaun Scott – A merry go around?
Ross McA – Fire Away.
Reg Feuz – Late night Courtenay Place. (With a number of creditable late entries – nice work Reg).
Then I put the list in this randomiser thingy, and the winner is…Shaun Scott from Dunedin!
Shaun, could you hit reply in the post and send me your delivery details. Cheers.
Thanks everyone for your entries, and wishing you all a wonderful, and cake-filled, Christmas.
Capture away.
Capture: Movement, in reply to