Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Lost, in reply to
Yes, apparently they can. :-)
Capture: Lost, in reply to
I post it here directly on Capture, lest we forget.
Thanks ChrisW.
We shouldn't let these things pass unnoticed, as we then increase the chances for societal amnesia, and the disastrous consequences this can have.
Hard News: News from home ..., in reply to
If he’s still there in three years I’ll be amazed … and I’ll be finding another party for which to vote.
I concur. It means this is likely the start of a 6 year rebuild, rather than 3 year. I can't see him going the distance, and there's a fraction too much faction for any coherence in the foreseeable future.
Opportunity lost.
Capture: Sines of the times: Jakob at Galatos, in reply to
Think I might have reached my reverb quota for a bit. Although looking forward to Hunters & Collectors this Friday.
Capture: Sines of the times: Jakob at Galatos, in reply to
are those things all foot-pedals? yikes
Well, he was using his foot to control them all, but I think some were loop machines or some such. It was quite an array.