Posts by JacksonP
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Hard News: Music: The Homecoming Queen, in reply to
Yes, I did see that Geoff. Think we had different nights too. Sorry you couldn't make it. 'Twas a goodun.
Hard News: Music: The Homecoming Queen, in reply to
Bones is still my favourite all time track of theirs so I was so excited when they played it as the second number of the night – a treat for me considering how many songs they have to choose from.
It's interesting, before TTOALOE (good god!) I would have said Grace under pressure, or even the earlier (2001) Powder Blue, which was my intro to the band. But I have got hooked on New York Morning and My Sad Captains, both which they played brilliantly last night.
Like you say, there's a lot to choose from.
Hard News: Music: The Homecoming Queen, in reply to
A few photos of Elbow.
I went to Elbow on Saturday night which was outstanding.
I went last night, and was equally impressed. There is something about Elbow, which IMO puts them in a unique spot in the rock world. Intelligent rock? That sounds wanky, but Guy and his band sure are performers, and the crowd would have done a back flip with a half twist, had he cared to ask.
The Take Off and Landing of Everything is definitely in my top albums of the year category. I can listen to it end to end several times a week, without getting bored. For a fussy bugger like me, that’s not so common these days.
On a similar note, and similar time period, Helen Shapiro sings Look Who It Is to some guys you might recognize.
Hard News: Friday Music: Cilla!, in reply to
Cilla-related note: I once saw a drag performance of “Step Inside Love” at Alfie’s, about, uh, 25 years ago.
I'm pretty sure I was there, or at least saw the same show at some point.
Also, this ITV special from last year has the full 50 years of Cilla Black's career to date. Don't think it was linked earlier, but apologies if it has.