Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Laneway 2015, in reply to
carting a lens of that size around!
Yeah, I saw the lens being carried, but not being used. I'll live the puns to others. :-)
Capture: Laneway 2015, in reply to
Five years of Laneway Fest Auckland.
Thanks for sorting out the photo pass Russ. Will be a different experience this year, and I'll try not to let the pressure get to me. :-)
I don't intend to try and cover all acts, as this gets ridiculous, so will follow my Laneway app around. In terms of planning the day, pretty cool system.
Have been to every Auckland Laneway so far, and while I'm not as familiar with the acts this year as previous, very much looking forward to Courtney Barnett, St Vincent, and the New Zealand acts like Connan Mockasin and Tiny Ruins.
Early start. Note to self: drink lots of water.
See you in the Thunderdome.
Thanks for letting us repost this Gio. I think the photos are worthy of a wider format, and while this is the highest number of images I believe we have posted in one blog, they work well as a narrative.
Your mention of the Robin Morrison book The South Island of New Zealand from the Road sent me on a mad Internet hunt for it, and I thought for a moment I had found an elusive copy for much less than the ridiculous amount being asked by Hard to Find Bookshop in Dunedin ($295 - $340), but alas after I processed the transaction, I was informed the book had been removed from sale. Maybe they realised it was under-priced.
It also led me back to the collection of his images now held by Auckland Museum. At first I thought the online collection was limited to a few highlights, but then found the main page, which seems to host 1593 images, albeit in quite small format for the web. If you have a Robin Morrison photo in mind, chances are you'll find it here.
Some are also available for order through the Gallery Prints page, either framed or unframed.
Anyway, it's nice to refocus South again, and I hope others either travelling in, or from 'The Mainland' will join in with their own photos 'from the road'.
Apparently, thanks to Abbie and her resident expert, this is a variegated pohutukawa, which is another Kermadec varietal, on further investigation.
Capture: Peak Pohutukawa, in reply to
And just for good measure, thought I’d show how really horrible this place can be….. ;)
Happy New Year Sofie. Hope the North is treating you well, which it would appear to be. :-)