Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Aurora Australis, in reply to
It gets cold down here, you know. ;-)
I'll wear a parka. ;-)
Capture: Aurora Australis, in reply to
I’d really love to be able to know enough in advance to hop on a plane and see one.
I nabbed this from Paul's timeline, and he would know better how to interpret it.
From the Space Weather Prediction Center.
I was thinking the same thing last night. Would certainly hop on a plane to see this first hand, if I had some advanced warning.
Ian has put together a time lapse of his photos already.
Capture: Movement, in reply to
Hard News: When the fast track seems a…, in reply to
You’re not the first to think of that…
Hip to be square? The long on boundary looks a bit challenging.
That is quite something. The whole underground shooting gallery, as it were. High friends in low places?
Removed the grey pavement. Hopefully it will come right again.
Sorry you're having trouble Chris. Am I right in thinking you're coming back to NZ soon?