Posts by JacksonP
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Ooh! New She’s So Rad (warm, deep bath of guitar version). ‘Kick Out of Life’
Whoa, Lush.
I mean, that early nineties 4AD vibe jumped out at me. In a good way.
Capture: April Come She Will, in reply to
Autumn start to football on a chilly Dunedin evening
Picture seems to re-orient when you click, so not sure what's going on with the sideways preview.
Funnily enough I just returned from coaching my 11yo daughter's team, which I've nicknamed the 'cart-wheelers', cause that's their approach to football training.
Wind wasn't not pleasant.
Capture: April Come She Will, in reply to
A friend and I got up at 5.30am, and took our scooters into the domain for the dawn service on Saturday. It was packed, and there were some personal moments when the daughter of good friends got up to speak and lay a wreath.
However, Len Brown was a little disappointing, to be honest, but you get that.
Capture: April Come She Will, in reply to
Hard News: About Campbell Live, in reply to
I thought only live watching got counted in the stats they are quoting? Not delayed or on demand.
There seems to be much confusion over this, and surely it is important. The way people are consuming television in general, and news in particular, has to be part of the dialogue, even for advertisers. Relying on a traditional ratings approach is destined to become part of history, one way or another.
On my own viewing habits, I will often be drawn into watching by social media buzz, which CL does better than just about any other programme. He's also been incredibly adept at getting money out of viewers for genuine causes that change people's lives. I really hope we don't lose this aspect.
Then being able to selectively watch on-line is also important. With three under 14s in the house, this is their prime-time viewing, and as much as I'd like them to be watching Campbell Live...
Just remembered we posted a few photos on the Laneway blog, as this was the next day.
Here’s one not posted before. Was quite a surreal, and enjoyable night. Sad it’s likely to be the last of Hugh’s Sundae Sessions. They have been great.
Also very sad to hear about Grant. F#$k cancer.