Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Movement, in reply to
You continue to amaze in so many ways.
My sentiments are apparently being passed on to the team.
This is so cool.
I've always enjoyed using twitter as a virtual couch for the cricket. Recently on the days you're understandably a bit quiet, I think 'fuck I hope Emma's Ok today'. Glad the end is in sight, and all the best for the rest of it.
Nice one Jonathan.
With more time to edit and consider, I’ve changed two of the lead in photos for Hollie Fullbrook and Courtney Barnett. The first is just better I think, and trying to capture some of Courtney Barnett’s energy.
Also, for the Belle and Sebastian fans who have waited years for a tour, here’s a few more.
Capture: Laneway 2015, in reply to
Connan and his band just kind of got loose.
Loose? I kept thinking of the production team piecing together the footage and sound, then editing the dad jokes, and bad jokes, while making a publishable show. Hugh is a man of many talents. This will use all of them.
1) The backing singers were easier to identify, in spite of wigs.
2) Connan with his back to camera and audience, and guitarist sitting down.
3) Connan, the kaleidoscope guy, with Hugh. -
Capture: Laneway 2015, in reply to
Great photos David Hood and Soon Lee. The southern landscape is a beautiful thing. Cheers.
Capture: Laneway 2015, in reply to
At the time I tweeted “OH DAMN SON” and I see no reason to take back that assessment. Fantastic way to end the day.
Thanks for posting this here. You've written much of what I would have said, only with much more musical knowledge on the acts than I possess. :-)