Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Up Front: Oh, Grow Up, in reply to
You can teach Philosophy and get NCEA credit under other subject headings, such as Religious Studies and Social Sciences. My wife teaches Philosophy under the latter. There is an organisation NZ Teachers of Philosophy at and apparently they are developing Philosophy NCEA Achievement Standards,
I will send despatches from the US (California and Ohio) when I get an opportunity. -
Damion; Any chance to get news of this around my media teacher networks before I head to the US on Sunday?
Up Front: Oh, Grow Up, in reply to
You realise we are officially in a situation of drought??
What is most challenging for parents (I reckon) is when your children know more than you do about certain things, when expectations are that parents are The Font Of All Knowledge. My daughter (18) is fluent in Japanese and my son (26) knows more than I will ever know about graphic novels and has read Proust and Joyce, Humbling, really.
I think you really appreciate your offspring as adults if you are an older adult yourself.
Field Theory: Mr Collins in Japan, in reply to
Jerry has had some experience with nether regions on the rugby field,
But I recall reading about the Brazilian community in Japan. It is quite sizeable but socially isolated, as is the lot of foreigners in Japan. A case of picking on someone further down the pecking order?
Hard News: Friday Music: Go Home DJ, in reply to
There were dull moments but not so much when Neil was playing--more to do with the silly shenanigans on stage with those twits in white coats, who were just irritating,
Nora: three hours standing was a trial in Wellington but there was a time when legs trembled from the rumble of the music. Maybe straw or sawdust would be a better ground cover, -
Neil Young was magnificent in Wellington last night but the TSB Arena is a horrible, horrible venue.
Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to
Book reviewing for academic journals is largely a social service, to ensure colleagues derive some attention for their efforts. You get bugger-all credit for PBRF and it often involves hours of work. Touting for expensive food parcels--that is another matter, I think that food banks have more social value, rather than another indulgence for the middle class.