Posts by JacksonP
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It's Ken Loach as pop.
That's the kind of line you'd only get be having Sasha Frere-Jones write your album review. Brilliant.
There was a creek down the back of our intermediate school, as I recall, and we all went there to play during breaks and lunch time.
If the teachers were concerned, they never let on.
Police entrapment is such a mind-fuck I can’t begin to understand the mental processes that go into making it seem like a good idea. Sting operations targeting children on the spectrum actually seem like a crime against humanity. I can only wish the family well, and make a small contribution as you did RB.
Watching the videos in the link, the retired Deputy Chief of Police, Stephen Downing, seems to have his head screwed on right.
Interestingly he turns up in other places supporting decriminalization. This from Rolling Stone.
"When we ended the prohibition of alcohol, Al Capone was out of work the next day,” says Stephen Downing, Los Angeles’ former Deputy Chief of Police. “Our drug policy is really anti-public safety and pro-cartel, pro-street gang, because it keeps them in business."
It would be nice to think we could move past turning innocent people into criminals, which was so clearly the case here, and focus on the more serious harms in society, like poverty.
Hard News: Rape and unreason, in reply to
Or how to make it better?
A lot of work was done in this area by the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence, which formulated a report for government between 2007 and 2009. They had input from a number of people, who worked tirelessly at the time, trying to make a difference at policy level, and through organisations, with a focus on victim support.
You can read a summary here, including the government response, such that it was. I get the impression this, like many things, his fallen under a bus, while other priorities get funding.
While it was never going to be a solution on its own, the group did connect with communities, and made a determined effort to make the report meaningful and contribute to the discussion. I don’t know what’s happening with it now, or the recommendations.
Disclaimer: someone dear to me worked on this report. They also had great hopes of a better world. As do I for our three girls.
Thank you to all who have contributed positively here. It’s been bloody hard to read, but so important. Arohanui.