Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Hi Wendy (or Mart) that's a damn fine shot to be joining in with.
And loving all the other stuff. Glad we distracted you Gareth. ;-)
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
So here’s a couple of old photos of my grandparents, shot on film about 15 years ago and a conversion I just did (though jpg) of the back of the St James.
Cool Carol. Thanks for joining in.
And Chris, I like how we get a mirror image in your photos. Our spring turning into your autumn.
Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to
I'm sure they are glutenous maximus.
I don’t know if I like where this is going…
Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to
Captain Black and the full
Spectrum Meringue Rangers…They danced the meringue merengue
With patty cheesecake maidens,
Until the cows came home.<coat>
And an early evening stroll through Vulcan Lane. After a photo linked by Peter Mac on twitter a few days back from before 1968.
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
I really should look into printing it
Yep, I'd have that on my wall. Shots Bruce.