Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
A very polished performer, indeed…
I thought that looked familiar. Very cool shot in any case Nora. ;-)
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Hi Russ.
Was thinking while reading the post 'wouldn't it be cool if we could aggregate the tracks and listen to them all as a playlist.'
Turns out, for the most part, you can. Discovered this thing called MiniLogs.
Here's the playlist from the post, which took a couple of minutes to make. It also allows you to use iframe embeds. You can include Youtube, Vimeo and Soundcloud, plus many others I didn't really look into.
Anyway, just thought might come in handy.
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Driftwood hut, Whakatane heads. Used the levels trick, cheers.
My best efforts to date.
Meant to say, damn fine efforts too.
any tips re: file type/ dimensions?
I just save as jpg out of Photoshop, after resizing to about 1000 to 1200 width or height max. This seems to create images about 400 to 500k, which works pretty well here. If I'm exporting from iPhoto, same image size with Quality high, Custom size as above. Hope that helps.