Posts by JacksonP
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Hard News: Rape and unreason, in reply to
Yes. This has become required reading. Thank you very much.
Brave and powerful words. Thanks.
Score Heather. I was thinking this morning this was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Great idea Islander.
Speaking of electronic music (we were, weren’t we?), this event looks amazing.
Keynote talks with Arthur Baker interviewing New Order, followed by Gorgio Moroder. And then; Film: Metropolis – Re-scored and Introduced by Giorgio Moroder (£10 / Free with delegates badge) . Anyone got a Tardis?
Hard News: Friday Music: The Story, in reply to
It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining, so this seemed appropriate.
Happy daze Mr G, a little belatedly. :-)
Hard News: A Public Address public appeal, in reply to
Shame Media3 would be too costly to crowdsource.
Wouldn't it be great though, having an online version of it within the frame?
Anyway, I get great reward out of my involvement with the community here-in, so happy to use this as a chance to give a little back.
Cheers Russell.
Great piece Amberleigh.
During the 40 hour famine this year our twins (11) were under some peer pressure to participate in the ‘famine’, but we decided they could only do the no furniture version of it. It went fine, and they matched others in their fund raising.
This makes me feel a lot better about our choices. It is a primary goal of ours as parents to do our best to raise three humans who love eating, and love themselves. Negative re-enforcement of dieting culture doesn’t seem the best approach to achieving this. Or to raising awareness of poverty, IMhO.
like no internet for 40 hours. That's a lot more sensible.
ETA: We thought so. :-)
Glad I found the time to read this. Fascinating piece. Cheers.
Jimmy comes across really well in the trailer. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Kind of wish there was a spot for him doing video and gaming reviews on screen. He'd be great at it.
M cried.
Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to
a spell of hard yakka?
It's a long way to the glop if you want to rock 'n' rollicks?
<I'll get me life jacket>