Posts by JacksonP
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Extending the meta-foray, Richard Ram posted this on twitter in response to the above.
BBC Synth Britannia.
Amazing documentary on New Order’s iconic Blue Monday was just posted on their Facebook page, made by Swedish National Television. Recorded last year, and includes interviews with the whole band, including the estranged Hook, and sleeve designer Peter Saville.
The best bit for me was when they explain all the ‘references’ in the track. Most I wasn’t surprised by, [SPOILER ALERT] but I can’t recall hearing the Klein and MBO track Dirty Talk before. Fascinating.
Looking back through mainly Later with Jools Holland, you get an interesting insight into the evolution of one Polly Jean Harvey.
Dress - 1992
This is Love - 2001
Let England Shake - 2011
As a late breaking fan (probably early noughties) it's cool to look back.
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to
the trapezium core space maybe…
I was thinking more of A Couple with Their Heads Full Of Clouds, which might look a little more like this. :-)
Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to