Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Laneway 2014 + Lorde, in reply to
That was my feeling as well. Strange to think that the BDO crowd was arguably more pleasant than the Laneway crowd!
Wow guys, it's amazing how we had such different experiences, of both festivals. Apart from it being almost impossible to get a drink at BDO, we had a few pre-loaders stumble into us, and at the start of Snoop, got very uncomfortable when someone was whirly-gigging around, apparently looking to 'engage' with any body they bumped into.
We spent very little time at the Cactus Cat stage on Monday, and I can see what Russell is saying, but I found I could get in and out of the main stage crowds comparatively easily. Just in case it wasn't obvious, all photos were taken from the crowd, as I didn't have a media pass. I do hope in the BDO case they get the best out of their new site next year, and that Laneway finds another spot worthy of the festival.
Anyhoo, as you say, let's not dwell on it too much. Last night was fantastic.
Capture: Laneway 2014 + Lorde, in reply to
Why would you want a stage name with a given name as gorgeous as Camille Berthomier?
I know, right?
and the great bassist – not a great photo but wow…… her playing…………….
This captures some of that live intensity. Drummer was boss too. And the guitarist? Don’t get me started.
Fascinating insight into what's going on Simon, and great set of photos. :-)
Capture: Laneway 2014 + Lorde, in reply to
Welcome Ajay, and thanks for joining in with your great photos. Cheers.
Capture: Laneway 2014 + Lorde, in reply to
Nice to have your photos here Emma. Thanks. I lack the gene for travelling to global hot spots. Hey, I’m even reluctant to travel to America with all their border control rules at the moment.
Glad someone else is allowing us the chance to live vicariously. :-)
Capture: BDO - Post Hoc, in reply to
It’s about stuff blowing up.
Yeah, well that's just insensitive and inappropriate.
I was being ironic, FTR. I mean if we're not used to it by now, we will be after the next two years of endless shire-bolical references.
I’m all for a bit of Tolkeinism and eagle-itarianism. I just thought the guy went on…
and on…
and on. As if he had more time to fill than songs to play. And I wanted to hear the songs, which were great, as you say.
It was the point I discovered I couldn’t get in the D with my rucksack, so I may have been carrying some baggage at the time.
<Pun ends> :-)