Posts by JacksonP
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Arabic patriarch and the seven of them my niqab-clad wives.
I'm inclined to say 'photo or it didn't happen', but then again it might by best left to the imagination. :-)
It does sound like a fun time, and the site looks awesome. I should go next year.
Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to
Up Front: Egypt: It's Complicated, in reply to
Because almost everything is more complicated and because the simple-minded version of the world news we get is so very very inadequate.
It's a sad state of affairs when it comes to reporting from 'overseas', especially in areas of conflict. What is the role of the 'Foreign Correspondent' these days? Feed the populist media with inflammatory reports on factions and political unrest, to meet daily deadlines and scare tourists? Or is it to look deeper into conflicts, and find out about the impact on those living in the country? I think there's a lot more evidence of the former, unfortunately.
Your insights are fascinating Emma. Thanks.
Hard News: Friday Music: Starting Early, in reply to
70 minutes of lovely, warm sunset music – Leftside Wobble’s ‘Leftside Lounge Part 2’.
Cheers. x 2 ;-)
Hard News: Friday Music: Starting Early, in reply to
Must now obtain!
Good luck with that! Listed as tour promotional CD on Discogs.
Hard News: Friday Music: Starting Early, in reply to
Went to the Adults and the APO last night and they were incredible
Weren’t they? I was reminded of how different songs on that album can come up behind you and kick you in the pants. Part of Me was fantastic, but I was also happy they played Nothing to Lose twice. Ladi6 was superb. I could have gone a third.
The APO was also wonderful of course, although I could have handled a bit more volume from them, as there was a sense they were playing second fiddle to the band. Which I guess they were.
And yes, photos were ‘verboten’. But what I like about taking sneaky pictures at The Edge is the social media crew on their spot are usually the first to retweet them.
Capture: Laneway 2014 + Lorde, in reply to