Posts by JacksonP
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Very much looking forward to Daughter on Monday.
This remix of Youth is a free download.
Hard News: All John's Friends, in reply to
Flame war: commence.
Oh god.
You're saying Oh god? I'm not sure your message mentioned you'd be lobbing a hand grenade, and then swanning off! :-)
Anyway, I like multi-tasking, so this, the cricket and work should max out the entertainment for the afternoon. Anyone got popcorn?
Capture: BDO - Post Hoc, in reply to
Capture: BDO - Post Hoc, in reply to
Old Mill Road letter box
One day we'll have to do a letterbox post. Seriously. :-)
Capture: BDO - Post Hoc, in reply to
On the queues, I'm not feeling as generous as some. They have had a little experience at this sort of thing, in spite of new venue. I gave up trying to get a drink. The free water refills were good though. Anyway, they acknowledged it, and hopefully it will be sorted next time.
In a BDO trivia moment, I realized I was using a BDO ticket as a bookmark from 2008. Arcade Fire played that one too. Along with LCD. Good times.