Posts by JacksonP
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Without the intention of sparking a debate, this may be a good place to post the latest Auckland Council beach reports.
If you read this, you’d think, as Russell pointed out elsewhere, most of Auckland beaches are sweet, including the favourite Pt Chev above. Watching 3 News last night you’d think otherwise.
In any case there are plenty of beaches within 40 mins of Auckland CBD to safely enjoy, and take photos of. :-)
Manly beach above being one of them.
Thanks Russell. This is a time for remembering the empty spaces at the table. We have a few of our own, as I'm sure many here do.
I'm so pleased to be part of the goodness that is Public Address, and contribute my little bit.
Jackie, what you started is a wonderful thing. Long may it continue.
Arohanui one and all.
Capture: Travels Without a Map, in reply to
askew again, multiple connections, very satisfying.
Excellent Chris. When you come across the photos of Marti and Gerrard on their trusty Lambretta, you can think about one of the greatest occasions of a photographic nature I had this year. They both presented slides and stories from their honeymoon through Eastern Europe in the 50s, and all that that entails.
Was hoping to share it on Capture, but the crew at Glory Days got there first. Which is Ok, cause I like their style. It certainly fits with the Travels Without a Map vibe. :-)
See page 41 of the Victorian Christmas edition.
Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to
Guys, guys, I think you might be over thinking it. Just a little bit.
Anyhoo, last night I ventured to two summer solstice concerts of considerable contrast.
The first, as above, Finn Family Christmas, which reminded me that Neil, Tim and their broods (SWIDT?) have a huge legacy in New Zealand music, and whatever your feelings about it, a grand old singalong to Fall at your feet is pretty damn uplifting.
Seeing Broods sure gave me an appetite for more. :-)
Another I'd add to the year is Ophelia, also from The Audience camp. Think you covered them earlier on?
Their EP Face The Sea is on Bandcamp, and I very much like the break out track Not So Frightening, which has gotten some airplay on Kiwi and bFM.
Video went up 11 December.
Thanks for all the wonderful photos everyone.
In order to get the prize in the post, we've made our decision a day early, as announced in our summer post 'Coast to Coast'.
ChrisW, if you could drop me a line with your details, that would be swell.
Hoping you all send in lots of summery photos to our new thread, and have a wonderful silly season.