Posts by JacksonP
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Hard News: We need to talk about Len, in reply to
There’s a Capture thread for the “Berms of Auckland”. I’ve got some beauties out my way. Waist deep thistles and prickles, hemlock and rye. The hedgehogs must be loving it.
Related, a local real estate agent hired a contractor for a day, who took his ride-on lawn mower up and down our road, cutting the recalcitrant berms.
Bad for property values, don't you know. :-/
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
It may well be fine, using the tribal name, but I don’t know how many people using it know that for certain. It’s been bugging me this week.
I’m glad someone brought this up. It’s been bugging me too.
I looked it up, and apparently using someone’s clan name is a sign of respect, but it still seems inappropriate for me to use it.
Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to
This so has to be a large print,
and at least one fantail pairing…Agreed. It's a great one Jos.
Has ‘meme’ been in the word of the year before? Seems like it should have been.
Just noticed it on an overseas list. (not cheating, honest) :-)
Arab Spring
Shutdown -
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
I’m rather fond of “selfie” because it is never, ever going to stop making me giggle like a dirty-minded infant.
With video accompaniment.
PS, I'm one. :-)
Great shots Louise and Geoff.
Havana, 2013
That's a contender. Awesome.
Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to