Posts by JacksonP

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  • Hard News: Friday Music: The First Time,


    My first recollection was seeing Screaming Meemees in the Whakatane Town Hall in 1981, but I’m starting to wonder whether I dreamed it. I did apparently see Dave McArtney and The Pink Flamingos, with the Newmatics supporting, in January 1982, at the Ohope Primary School grounds. Aged 13.

    Anyway, did we answer the question whether Uni Orientation counts? Cause then it would be Hunters and Collectors in 1985, followed by New Order and then Elvis Costello at His Majesty’s.

    That link of yours was very helpful, especially as my memory fades.

    ETA: Our family diarist found the above.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Think it possible that you…, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    I guess maybe I suggesting that the better option is to take your turn at the same time as others, rather than silencing others so you can speak?

    Sorry what? Maybe if we didn’t live in a patriarchal society, that by its very nature, has silenced opposing voices to rape culture and misogyny for millennia, you could get away with this. But we do, so you can’t.

    Free speech in the context of gender inequality, or any inequality, is not a level playing field. All the cards are stacked on one side, and people arguing from a position of strength that their privilege somehow warrants them greater recourse to the rules of free speech, is just plain wrong.

    Or something.


    ETA: and what Emma said. I should remember to read ahead before posting.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Travels Without a Map, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Not Watching ‘The Nightwatch’ (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, May 2012)

    Hi Craig. Did the 2nd photo fail to upload? Drop me an email if you like. Should be working Ok. Like the first shot.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Travels Without a Map, in reply to simantics,

    Ah, hi Sim. Didn't realise you'd already tried. You can add up to three images per post by attaching one file at a time from your hard drive.

    If you want to have another go, I'll clean up the above for you afterwards.

    Puente de la Mujer, Buenos Aires.

    Awesome shot to kick things off Bry. Cheers, and that reminds me I need to talk to you about a thing. See you soon, I hope. :-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: From Deco to Eco,


    As promised, but I don't think this is a Toastermatic. Now you've got me interested in them. :-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: From Deco to Eco, in reply to Richard Grevers,

    Didn’t realise Neil and Jette had left these shores – a loss to the country.

    Um, they haven't. I think I said moved TO the country, not from the country. Just gone up north. Still very much involved with design and sustainability projects, through both HDG, and eBode Housing.

    We’ve been on the lookout for a Sunbeam toastermatic (1960’s “pop-less” toaster)

    I took a photo of a toaster. I'll post it when I get home, to see if it's the one you remember. Had a matching tea set.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring Breaks,

    Attachment Attachment

    Couple more from the weekend.

    Not meaning to be prickly, or anything.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bring on the Revival, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    While Planet was ‘big’, The Manipulator was truly Big!

    Oh crap, I knew I should have held onto my copies. They mostly ended up pinned to my walls, as a counter to the Joy Division and Smiths posters.

    So pleased to have the Planet 6, and maybe next time I'm there, or vice versa, I might scrounge another. :-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: From Deco to Eco,


    Apparently it's not the house in Ruby and Rata, but Jette says;

    we have had several TV commercials filmed there, parts of Pūkana and our ... Eco meets Deco launch of sustainability features in 2006, Jeanette Fitzsimons and Dr Morgan Williams ... were interviewed in the lounge for TV3 News.

    So been featured on TV a few times.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: From Deco to Eco, in reply to Robyn Gallagher,

    Is this the house that was the location for the 1990 film Ruby & Rata?

    Don’t think so. Niel and Jette moved in 1991, and started work on the basement after that. Found a reference under Rob Gillies Bio that says the house was in Mt Albert too, and it would be a bit of a stretch to call Three Kings Mt Albert, even for a real estate agent. :-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

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