Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: From Deco to Eco, in reply to
I thought you might like that Geoff. The photos don’t even do it justice. It has a projection booth too.
Saturday Morning House Pr0n
Might have to make this a thing, but then I don’t have many friends with such magnificent houses for sale. :-)
Hard News: Friday Music: Little, but…, in reply to
Dear Time’s Waste
Very much like the DTW album.
Claire Duncan (aka Dalziel) pops up on the latest Julien Dyne album December with the song Tonight.
One for Ian. :-)
Hard News: Friday Music: Little, but…, in reply to
and this dweeby wannabe…
Ok, now we're stretching it, but before someone posts that Gladiator, these guys represented the ANZACs in 1994.
Hard News: Friday Music: Little, but…, in reply to
Letterman it’s nice to look back over 10 years ago to when The D4 were on it
Nott forgetting these guys of course...
Capture: Two Tone, in reply to
Have I started a religious revival?
Could be an interesting thread on it’s own…We probably could, but this is the end of my holy orders.
Another church, Awhitu Peninsula, 1989. Thought I’d posted these here before, but couldn’t find them. So apologies if I have.
ETA: Had to try match your triptych Lilith, which is stunning. :-)
Hard News: How do you sleep?, in reply to
But on the other hand, why do we expect to sleep through the night anyway?
Ah, snap! (-ish)