Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Sculpture Vulture, in reply to
Cool Bruce. That was definitely my favourite. Would be nice in the garden. :-)
Muse: Those Racist Casting Call Blues, in reply to
As it turns out, I may have overstated my abilities, as it has gone back to the way it was. Will email you. Sorry.
Muse: Those Racist Casting Call Blues, in reply to
OK, am I the only one who’s getting embed code instead of the videos? If someone could e-mail be instructions on how to fix, I’d be profoundly thankful.
Hi Craig.
Sometimes you have to copy the iframe code in through HTML window, or it converts the < > symbols to code.Anyway, fixed it for you. Hopefully that's Ok. :-)
Jeepers you guys, They're very good, but bloody terrifying. They look like Shelob at that magnification.
Nice work. :-)
Hard News: Oh, Auckland, in reply to