Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Getting closer, in reply to
Though sometimes getting you closer than you really wanted to get.
That's probably close enough! Nice.
Muse: The Disappearing of Paradise, in reply to
I’d say get the little boogers hooked on Master of Paxwax – it worked for me.
Thanks for the recommendation. :-)
Yay, and book blog. This sounds great. Do you think it would be suitable for a young reader fresh from the Divergent series?
Hard News: Friday Music: Changing Times, in reply to
I may have hit the wall.
Same. I signed up, but never use it. The radio, this blog and twitter point me towards new music usually.
On that note Broods just released the official video for Bridges.
I like it. It seems to reflect something that we lost by growing up. My advice is, don’t.
Capture: One picture of you, and no more, in reply to
Such a happy place to be.
Ok, you got me right in the eye with that. Such a cool photo.
Capture: One picture of you, and no more, in reply to