Posts by JacksonP
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This is so awesome. Thanks everyone.
And thank you Gio for making this possible.
Capture: One picture of you, and no more, in reply to
I have the Country Calendar episode on CD somewhere which I should put up on You Tube.
Brilliant. Would love to see that. Yes we camped at Waihau Bay a few times. It's a magical coastline. Be great to chat over a beer one day. Still get to Ohope fairly regularly.
Thanks Gio.
Well, to kick things off, here is my one picture.
Taken around 1973, as I recall on the back steps of one of my ‘Aunty’s’ houses on the East Cape, above Whanarua bay. Although it has become a bit of a mystery since I brought it into the light again, as none of my family can agree on its origins.
There are many reasons for choosing it. I equate our holidays down the coast as a significant, and happy, part of my childhood. Aunty Ra was also a favourite, not only because of her standing in the extended ‘whanau’, but because she always made me a chocolate cake whenever we visited. Ok, I was 5, probably mostly the cake.
Whanarua bay was a fascinating place to explore at this age, as there was a hermit cave, at one point with a real life hermit living in it, and great rock pools, where we picked and boiled cats-eyes on the beach, retrieving them with a safety pin.
The photo is also full of regret. After moving to the city at 16, I largely lost touch with my coastal roots, and the wonderful people who provided such warmth and hospitality in my yoof.
The ukulele is not without significance too. Forty years later I’m still trying to learn how to play one, and while I’ve progressed from ‘my dog has fleas’, you could argue in relative terms not much further than ‘my dog has a flea collar’.
We’d love you to dig out your own single picture. If you don’t have a scanner, most phones will take a decent close up these days.
Capture away.
ETA: Oh hai Allan! You beat me to it. Great work. Thanks for jumping in, and nice shot. :-)
Capture: A Month of Sundays, in reply to
Make quite a nice flag
(the top sunset one)
plus Southern CrossThe Land of the Setting Sun?
The birds could fly in the Southern Cross formation. I’ll be sure to tell them next time. :-)
Capture: A Month of Sundays, in reply to
Spotted them misbehaving in the lavender this evening
They Ain't Mibehavin'