Posts by JacksonP
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rabbit gumbo
You have reminded me (albeit delayed) of the time my grandmother made us rabbit stew. I thought it was delicious, but my grandmother, bless her, thought it would help the more squeamish among us if she sang;
Yummy yummy yummy
I've got bunny in my tummyShe was always catching us on the hop.
#badoom -
I'm not sure mine was so excellent, but in order to maintain the continuity.... :-)
Strain through Ian’s underpants and add a small bottle of Worcester sauce (not necessary)
Can we assume you’ll be following more modern standards of hygiene? Just curious, in case you ever offer it as a BBQ condiment. :-)
Strain through Ian’s underpants and add a small bottle of Worcester sauce (not necessary)
Can we assume you'll be following more modern standards of hygiene? Just curious, in case you ever offer it as a BBQ condiment. :-)
Nice fungi Chris.
So this happened.
Just imagine for a moment the weight she must have felt, and then admire the fact she made it through the song without freaking out completely. Still 17.
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