Posts by JacksonP
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Access: Your Relationship With Disability, in reply to
I must drop in here more often. Although this place has a habit of making me tear up a little. Thanks for sharing your stories everyone.
One wise woman.
So true. I remember the book coming out, but I was a bit young to appreciate it all back then. Will have to borrow it from mum.
Charlotte’s been giving this some deserved air-time on KiwiFM. Reel by Amelia Murray aka Fazerdaze. Free download also. Another younsgter in a bedroom, rumour has it.
If I was a picker of such things, I’d say Fazerdaze is destined for greatness. Second time you listen to that track, you’ll be singing it. Trust me.
Also on The Audience. :-)
ETA: Credit where due, Silke had Amelia in the studio in January on Freak the Sheep. I like the moment where she says ‘get close to the mic, but don’t touch it!!’ Haha. I remember it well.
(A) I have scoliosis, and osteoarthritis in my jaw, which recently has caused chronic pain, and inability to eat foods such as an apple. But I've never really identified as having a disability. Almost certainly ADHD, but that's another story.
(C) When I was younger, my mum was very close friends with Eve Rimmer. She taught me a lot about the world in general, and living with disability in particular.
(D) Yes.
(G) I certainly feel there is always more to learn, and this blog has already been effective in increasing my awareness.Great work one and all.
Hard News: Weirder yet, in reply to
I wonder how Paris Hilton gets on with her session musicians?
Paris Hilton is starting a political party? There's literally no hope for us.
This is three years old, but Mr Urlich played this on his bFM show this morning, and I got hooked on the bassline.
Seemed to follow on nicely from your burst of sunshine. :-)
Looking forward to seeing them next week.
Capture: Still Life in Mobile Homes, in reply to
Fire in Cairo!
especially the projector.
Glad you like it Geoff. It was a lot of fun taking that shot. The most amazing thing is I haven't used the projector for 15 years, and I just plugged it in, and the bulb was fine, the motor whirred happily, and it all ran incredibly well. Probably should have dusted it a little first though. Especially with the open flame so near...