Posts by JacksonP
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Nice Allan. True to your promise. :-)
Capture: See Into the Trees, in reply to
One vote for Cocoro. They do a very nice hatching day lunch. :-)
Hard News: Sportsball Special!, in reply to
It's a constant surprise to me he doesn't spontaneously combust, after a batsman nudges one through mid wicket for two.
Good grief man! Settle down!
I was just thinking, there might be people on here who haven't seen this 9 minute version of Country Feedback featuring Neil Young.
This will not stand!
Happy long weekend.
Southerly: Who was George Hildebrand…, in reply to
David, I've been promoting this thread heavily elsewhere, but just wanted to say, this is one of the best PAS posts OF ALL TIME. Great distraction from all that ails us. Cheers.