Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Still Life in Mobile Homes, in reply to
Metal manikin mould mothers?
But who wears the pants?
Thanks all.
blows me away!
Especially glad you like this one. This is where the 'don't burn your house down' comes from. The arty red swirls on the right are created by my holding burning paper under the light beam, to make smoke for the projector to shine through. What could possibly go wrong? :-)
Thanks Jonathan. Difficult subject matter, and your selection gives a sense of the hardship and sacrifice.
This time of year seems to raise a lot of question about how we commemorate wars, with appropriate acknowledgement of those who served, and balancing a modern world in which we have choices, often taken away from our grandparents.
I’ve yet to watch it, but there was a lot of discussion about the dramatization of Archibald Baxter’s life in Field Punishment Number 1. Available through TVNZ On Demand. I anticipate it being hard viewing, especially judging by the real time reaction on twitter.
Hard News: Friday Music: Record Store Day, in reply to
1) The 9am record scrum. Honestly, I’ve never been in a ‘entusiastic’ crowd of vinyl lubbers.
2) Phoenix Foundation, Rubber Band Gun Zombie Attack.
3) Spelling Mistakes. What a lot of fun they had, mostly standing up.Real Groovy, where they were very pleased with their day.
I’d say they would have to be.
Got quite a few shots, if you wanted to include any in another post.
Grayson Gilmour
I really enjoyed that, cheers. And one of the hardest working vocalists at the moment, Claire Duncan, was a perfect foil on the track Minus Times Infinity. That was great live.
Might see if there’s still some vinyl around on Saturday.