Posts by JacksonP
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Hard News: Friday Music: A Strange Road, in reply to
Only 3 hours to go on this remnant of the ephemeral past…
So glad I checked in here when I did. Let's just say it's going to a good home. Well, my home, which is good for me. Will look through the rest too, but do send me a heads up for any future ephemera. I'm an ephemeral kind of guy. :-)
Hard News: Friday Music: Grey Fucking Area, in reply to
Went and got the Shihad album today, ripped it to lossless and have been playing it. It is thunder.
I got the shiny vinyl. Which, I must admit, I was a little surprised didn’t come with a download code. Still, sounds pretty damn fine through the needle.
Might wait for a quiet moment to really shatter the silence.
Also got the latest David Kilgour and the Heavy Eights End Times Undone. Consistently brilliant, as you would expect, and green vinyl, to boot.
Capture: Te Arai - The Veil, in reply to
That fifth photo looks remarkably similar to the cover for the classic Flesh ep
I guess there are similarities. Well spotted.
Capture: Lost, in reply to
The Lost series is fab
Glad you like it.
Welcome to the community. We take a broad view of creativity, and aim at an accessible forum for photographers of all persuasion, skill level, and camera types. Often the photos are in place of words, and create their own dialogue.
We hope our contributors will pick up on the strong community spirit we have developed over the past three years. Please feel free to drop your own mundane photos in the comments.
We’re an inclusive bunch. :-)
Broods do acoustic Free Fallin' at Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen - 22.07.14.
Hard News: Friday Music: Curatin' for…, in reply to
Hi Jean
Just drop the YouTube URL in without any tags, and it should work. Fixed this one for you.
She has been around longer than I realised, but I got a bit hooked on this alt-country… something by Haley Bonar. The album ‘Last War’, out 29th September, is being described as her break out album, and the bits I’ve heard so far are working for me. Hat tip my pal Matt J.
And this catchy number, which has a 4AD tinge to it, IYKWIM.
Capture: See Into the Trees, in reply to
The setting light made the trees come alive.
I went looking for the 'Like' button. Beautiful colours.