Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Field Theory: World Cup of Evil, in reply to
I agree with you on this, Paul. It is kind of demeaning to conclude a game after kicking a ball around for 90 minutes, then another 30 minutes, for no conclusive score--then decide it all on whether two men prevent the ball entering the net. I read once that soccer goals should be smaller, to account for the bigger bulk of today's players (including goalies). Rugby is definitely a more satisfying spectator sport.
Hard News: Media Take: Afghanistan,…, in reply to
I got a message from Brioni to say it was screening at 10.15pm
Hard News: Hope and Wire, in reply to
Well put, Sofie.
Hard News: Hope and Wire, in reply to
Yeh, but I have more faith in Gaylene than you seem to have.
Hard News: Friday Music: Wellies not required, in reply to
But think of the poor glow-worms ....
Hard News: Hope and Wire, in reply to
He has a good role in Fantail
Seems like an appropriate place for this: I was too slow to book for Nick Cave in Auckland in December. All tickets, all gone. So, jf someone finds them with a spare ticket they want to on-sell, I would be ever so grateful. Unless, of course, they add another concert in NZ, as they have in Oz.
I admire 'When A City Falls' but it is a bit misdirected to compare it directly with 'Hope and Wire'. The former is a documentary in content, style and intent; the latter is docu-drama, which engages with notions of memory, reconstruction, perspective and dramatisation. You need to place it within the work of Gaylene (such as Home By Christmas) and other film-makers who deliberately re-work conventions of veracity, memory and authentication.
I dunno. I was genuinely impressed by the first screening, I did not assume that its intent was to be a documentary,
On other media contributions, lovely interview in the Herald this morning, Russell.