Posts by Geoff Lealand
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There is another entrant in the push to get published. It is the PhD With Publication. I am currently supervising one and although the guidelines recommend 3-4 published articles as the core of the thesis, my student has included seven. There are advantages; your work gets more widely noticed (as against your conventional thesis, which has an average readership of 4-5 people), and maybe it accelerates you along the job railroad ( pressing on the heels of working academics or those about to retire). But it also adds to the general climate of publishing-at-all-costs, which people have been discussing here.
Springer are best avoided. A couple of years back I had to pay more than $100 to get a copy of a Springer-published, edited collection I had contributed to.
Thank you Mark for this most useful--but a little disturbing--commentary. It is also timely as I am on the editorial board of an Australian journal which is about to plunge into the murky waters of commercial publishing. It is a highly regarded journal and was ranked as an A journal under the now-discarded system. It also is a place where NZ academics get published.
I have sent this commentary to my fellow editorial board members.
Up to now (issue No. 152) the journal has been hosted and partly funded by particular departments or research centres in various Australian universities. But that seems to be coming to an end.
What has really exacerbated the situation is the practice of the host university in gobbling up royalty payments which flow from their CAL system, without returning any money to the journal which should be entitled to it.. In respect of the journal I am involved with, it is a matter of $A10,000s -
Sue Moroney seems to have missed out.
Who has responsibility for Broadcasting /Communications? It seems to rate so lowly these days,
Hard News: News from home ..., in reply to
I think this is akin to the Mom and Pop Investor myth. I recall an item on the Morning Report business news some weeks ago, about the dramatic rise of multiple property owners (ie those who own more than seven properties) in Auckland and Christchurch, I don't think it included your average retiree,
When Ollie Newland declared on Morning Report last week that 'property investment was a social good' I did choke on my toast!
Hard News: News from home ..., in reply to
The least we can offer is the 90 day provision ?
I am just wondering what or who all those folk merrily abandoning Labour might be offering, as alternatives to their apparent assent to years more of National and their reactionary politics,
If we ran all real estate agents out of town, it would be a good start.
Oops....the message I posted about missing you at the Elbow concert was meant for you, Jackson ( not Jos). Talk about confusing ....!