Posts by BenWilson
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They're rather pleasant actually.....
That depends. The dry heatwaves they get in Oz were most assuredly very unpleasant. But I do long for the nice balmy temperature of Thailand.
Who would have throught 'democracy' would end the year meaning out-sorcing legislation to badly-designed opinion polls?
I'm not sure whether to be more worried about that, or the idea that mandate now means "what everyone who didn't vote wanted".
Has anyone mentioned Recession?
Please don't. We're over it.
Obesity is the modern world's take on the mind-body problem. Not a new take, I think.
It's knowledge, bro is the only one I've managed to use offline and got a general laugh. My vote.
I think our extreme remoteness is most of our problem in terms of pay equivalences. We are even more remote than Australia, which constantly complains of the same thing. It's nothing to do with resources and management, and just the fact what we're so damned far away from everyone.
Any time I play any kind of strategic game that involves building up some kind of infrastructure, I notice that the cities or towns at the edge of the map always lag behind everything else. Stuff near the center flourishes because of the other stuff near the center, and because it's older, it's been developed earlier, for longer.
It really is that simple, I think. I still like this place. Wealth isn't everything.
I'm pretty much with Emma on this, I wasn't convinced the French were playing with gusto. Something just seemed off about how easily the All Blacks were swinging the ball back and forth across the field, it was like the French had made a firm resolve to experiment with the exactly how far they could take their game whilst playing strictly onside. Can't think why they would do that, but was anyone pinged for offside, even once?
I'm kind of loathe to suggest this, but it strikes me that Goff's approach may be even more cynical and tactical than simply trying to wedgie Maori and put Aloe on red necks. He could be trying to elicit from National what they elicited from Labour after Brash's huge post-Orewa poll bounce - a hasty and overreaching response. Can Key afford to just ignore it? How else are we really going to find what National are all about, if Labour don't start sounding out their demographics? They can just cruise along saying very little, smiling a lot, ramming the odd thing through under urgency, under the radar, cutting deals here and there, playing the center nicely. Or Labour can start yelling and screaming about things that will get various groups activated, and just see where the chips fall. What do they really have to lose at this point? Is there any real chance they'll win the next election?
Seems to me that's a pretty good way to play against an all-rounder, a center-dominator like Key. Do a bait and switch, running from base to base, stirring, and see which ones that National defend the strongest. Try to get them to make a big play. Then pull off the final bait and switch, the dash to the center.
It's not the only way it could be done, nor is it a particularly 'nice' way to do it. But clearly the strategy of trying to defend all bases simultaneously didn't work, and National now have strong defenders in place. Targeted assault will at least move the pieces around the board, possibly showing where the faultlines are in what seems like a strong defense.
The danger is, of course, of losing bases you already have. Nothing is certain in war.
Most mental gig evar.
Danielle actually giving birth at the Pixies could trump that.
Or is that a tautology?
I'm sooo tempted to answer that question at epic length. But you'll still miss the Pixies. Consolation prize, a pixie of your very own. Fate may control your destiny, but (s)he'll never know what that feels like. Good luck.
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