Posts by BenWilson
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I'm minded of what Newstalk's Bill Francis said on Media7 recently about how those in his charge were often "marginal" personalities -- the same thing that made them vulnerable to dreadful lapses of judgement was what made them work on talk radio.
Did he elaborate what he meant by marginal?
I'm sure they'd make fantastic movie monsters!!
Well I was terrified by Oliver Driver in person, so I'm expecting good things.
I'm almost as excited by the idea of seeing Under the Mountain as I am by the idea that The Halfmen of O is being made. Childhood dreams coming true there.
LOL Helen, I vote Henry has to make one of the drums on TV, firstly to show he's not PC, then to show he's not retarded.
Lurkers are usually pretty engaged with the community.
Indeed, it wasn't like I noticed a big silent majority or anything. If there were lurkers, they were having fun.
I don't think it's reaction time that's the problem when you're stoned. It's judgment. Judging distances, lines, speed, menaces, etc. Stoners do usually realize this and drive slower, but it's still there. And not all of them drive slower.
I did enjoy playing some tunes too.
And I'd be gutted that I missed those tunes completely, if I hadn't had such a good time.
'I've Smoked Too Much
I'm still chuckling that you lost your stash.
I have no idea how I feel hungover without drinking a drop, either.
I felt far too hungover on Saturday for the amount of alcohol I remember consuming on Friday too. But I've worked out what it was now. It was actually that my smiling muscles were fatigued. Not the gross, forced-smile muscles of the mouth, but all the little ones caused by the genuine and spontaneous smiles you get in good company. I knew it must be that because the ones that came across my face for most of Saturday, as I remembered each and every one of you that I met, hurt in the same way that your muscles do the day after hard training. I'm surprised they were so out of shape, mental note for the New Year - get out more.
I personally felt very comforted by the idea and possible presence of lurkers. They're still part of the community, probably the biggest part.
Well, I had a bloody good time. I got to meet nearly everyone I'd wanted to, and even more people that I should have wanted to. The presentations were good too, particularly as a study in the artistry involved in making such a short show each. Not easy to do!
I'm sure all the other commentators and writers have already been through the extreme surreality of meeting people with whom you have previously only had remote words. To meet so many all at once was especially surreal, pleasantly so in the extreme.
What struck me the most of all was meeting the silent readers. It was perhaps the first time I realized just how overwhelmingly they outnumber contributors, that words uttered here reach a lot of people. So I'm going to continue trying to internalize 3410s advice, how ever much he apologized for it.
That was the most fascinating conversation of the night, as I fully expected it to be. Much was made clear to me that had not been before about the power of words and the nervousness that other people have in uttering them, how totally exhausting people find it, particularly if they are more prone than me to choosing their words with great care. I'm glad you came.
But every conversation was absorbing. I think I might have got too fully absorbed, because the surreal evening had the most surreal ending ever. I looked up from a long conversation with a complete stranger, and realized that everyone I knew was gone. To the last man, woman and child. Did I totally lose all track of time, or miss the plot? Was there some secret door I was unaware of? I looked around, to convince myself I wasn't crazy, then decided it didn't matter either way, I was tired, and it was time to go home.
Great night! Sore head.
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