Posts by Judi Lapsley Miller
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The beauteous and erudite Emma said
Thank you Judi. You can be my fangirl if you like, the position's vacant.
Hee! But you'll have to see if David is willing to share ;-)
Lovely to see you here all official-like :-)
Russel said:
We then picked up Emma Hart -- who I can reveal now will be joining the Public Address stable full-time
Russell said
Am I the only one who, on hearing that the police had arrested an Iraqi man over the Vogel lane apartment stabbings -- but could only identify the sex of one of two corpses -- thought "fuck me, this is a weird spell we're going through"?
Did anyone else do a double-take when this story broke and TV3 news' first live cross had the banner "Homocide"? Still not sure if it was an innocent typo or a macabre pun... Was fixed by the second live cross.
Totally concur - you've got a book in you David - or a least a collection of delightful short stories - I figure you've got what it takes when you make coffee come out my nose.
xkcd seems rather apposite today...
But is there a lot more civil servants per capita than 10 years ago?
I'm in awe of Mrs Roberts myself (and again here)...
xkcd rocks!
Emma said
I was talking to my daughter's audiologist yesterday. In June, 'the gummint' is bringing in hearing testing for newborns. Because the heads of newborn babies are often, through no fault of their own, full of fluid, this is going to lead to a lot of false negatives - children being picked up with a hearing problem who don't have one.
When I'm not reading PA or updating my FB status, I'm involved with developing technology to markedly decrease the false positive rate in infant screening programs. By detecting the cases where the screen failed because there was middle ear fluid or external ear occlusion, rather than inner-ear dysfunction (which is what the screen is primarily for), babies can be rescreened rather than referred for expensive follow-up evaluation. It should make a *big* difference to the false-positive rate. The technology is commercially available now, but is only just starting to take off - it's mainly used in research centres, university hospitals, and the like currently. The cool thing is that it uses the same underlying hardware as that used for the otoacoustic emission screener.
Senior Scientist
Mimosa Acoustics, Inc. -
You're more than welcome David :-)
Lovely to catch up with you both and to meet the Bad Baby Bob (who is actually adorable!). Glad you and the custard all made it down south safe and sound.As for the Pope - with all those extra sins to commit, I don't think he'd want to know me - all in all I think I'm batting about 70% these days!