Posts by Ian Dalziel
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I never really twigged that my parents were "older late-developers" until on my 40th I noticed my dad was 80 that year - and I did the math...
Latte Day Saints...
I feel if I had never imparted my Cafe Slave Guild secrets to Mr Lee then the LOTR films could have been a farce.
Hmm, then I kinda got fired. Damn daily contracts its an outrage!all that coffee... surely you had fine grounds
for reinstatement?
;- )
Dishing the dirt...On the other hand, if you can wash dishes without pustules forming, the residue on the plates at the end won't hurt you much.
What? are people still going on about residuals?
Pint taken...
The Price of Mirkwood
Hmmm, well they have a Ring in common
and was there a quilt of invisibility?or was it the glorious Miss Myfanwy Price...
From where you are, you can hear in Cockle Row in the spring, moonless night, Miss Price, dressmaker and sweetshop-keeper, dream of her lover, tall as the town clock tower, Samson-syrup-gold-maned, whacking thighed and piping hot, thunderbolt bass'd and barnacle-breasted, flailing up the cockles with his eyes like blowlamps and scooping low over her lonely loving hotwaterbottled body.
Sprung... and moonless
Starless and Bilbo Black . . .
The Return of the Crimson King, too?
at least ballet keeps you on your toes...
Bugger all about, nothing...
Only mentioned very much in passing, as the ruler of the Woodland realm in Greenwood, which later became Mirkwood.
Who knows where it will end up, I'm looking forward to the new Welsh Hobbit production, now retitled as Under Mirkwood ...
Screw this for a joke...
I wonder if this was what Archimedes was really doing in his bath?
Ach! Everyone is an Archimedian here....
Well, what else would ya fill cracks in with?I guess another way might be to quickly wrap it in plaster of paris.
fondly remembering Cynthia Plaster Caster
her official website is here - she always
left a good impression... -
Lars man standing...
Bloody Actors. How do we know this isn't just an act.It might be a workshop.
The Curs of of Dogma meets Dogme
everyone loves Triers...
a glimmer of glamour...
Jackson's good at
weaving movie magic
he just can't spell... -
SFX news: more falling stars...
Space Weather reminds us that it is time again
for the Orionid Meteor showers - Oct 20 - 22.
Free early mornings from Orion's Elbow -
Come to think of it, some pupils are smarter than Minister Tolley thinks.
Education Minister Anne Tolley said many of the parents having to find childcare would not have had the sort of pay increases teachers were seeking.
... I think Tolley will find that Year 11 students are mostly old enough that they don't need child care and can be left home alone...
It does get in...
And … Access: Material would be made available to the public "as widely as possible", but the archive would operate in accordance with copyright law. It would also support re-release projects by depositors and rights holders.
Like the Smithsonian's take over and continuation
of the Folkways catalogue and ethos
Long Gone Silver, Hi's the commitment to finding and preserving master material which counts.
Which is all good as long as the public knows what you have, and what to ask / look for...
otherwise it is still, to all intents and purposes, buried treasure...