Posts by Islander
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M. Matthew - I get 'The Press" too but - there is a curiously satisfying
ritual about cutting out *without reading* offending columnist's works
and slowly burning them (Karl Du Fresne, curl & blacken bastard!)
You can then cherish your Joe Bennetts & cuddle 'em down in a warm wee dog-basket-type file... -
richard from New strange! You're from a nation that has a legal death penalty, espouses legally-protected torture, and actually has much more stringent laws as reguards censorship (speaking as one who served on our Indecency Tribunal for 5 years) than exist here.
And you're advocating for-as I read you- further repressive legislation.
Thank goodness I'm from this wee nation and have little to do with your's-as for your economic woes, they are immense, will affect the global economy but guess what? We find your nation's slither into true moral corruption (like espousing torture) waaay more worrisome. USA used to have a justifiable pre-eminence for at least trying to be a humane nation - not now,
Keith. you've made even a born-innumerate interested in your posts (and that's not including the fascinating o'seas ones of course)...remember to keep a towel handy at all times...
Michael s - a tiny errant icthyologist-manque in me screams
'But most male sharks have graspers/claspers and they lack hands and-"
o well. -
Shit o dear- "embrace the fact that everyone has a beast inside them"
_count my family OUT! Count almost all of my friends & their families OUT! Especially, COUNT ME OUT!
What a truly horrifying statement from a so-called sportsperson.
Most people have a wondering questing hopeful and innately kind inner being - it's the only good part of us:'us ' being humans evolved after nearly 4 billions of years of blood sport evolution: this shit is taking us back to the 'wars' between -o- mammals & reptiles...fuck o dear
Kyle- bugger. I was thinking about going back to summer school on the strength of that Countdown 24hrs-
Yup, I take the point Yamis- 8>)
I am not getting otherwise involved with robbery debates *at all* but may I say how much I appreciate the responses of Sacha, Deborah, Jackie & others? And how much I really hope that robbery's penultimate phrase is a promise for this thread? Kia ora tatou-
A tip, and a tip'o't'hat-
*newspaper, lightly dampened & dipped in a little ash is the really easy way to clean logfire burners' fireglass windows .
*Jackie et al: when I go to any kind of city (or even large town these days) I have to stop myself from giving other pedestrians a smile & a wave (if I dont want to talk.) In the very small places I mainly inhabit, you are thought *extremely* rude if you dont so acknowledge another human: in the cities, you get scowled at for unwanted...friendliness?
* supermarkets in the wee sma' hoors- there's a goodie 24hr Countdown in Dunedin, just a block or so from the Leviathan Hotel: I had more interesting - & odd- & one appalling - chats there than I did in 2 months at OU at summer school...and yep, on 2 occaisions, people danced - one a ringringarosie with 5 participants & the other a lovely slow waltz by two young men with iPod earbuds who could really dance and made really sure not to impede anyone - o cool!
O! The front page seems to be giving times in Japanese...