Posts by Islander
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Ur- my post went- where??
Going by his words in his column in The Christchurch Press, Round has turned into a fundamentalist christian. Whether he is still an environmentalist, I have no idea. As a Kai Tahu, I find many of his comments ill-informed and offensive. But - he's a lightweight so why bother with him?
Kerry Weston - I write, paint/draw, fish & cook (and build the occaisional building.) Within my whanau, there are people who can do those things too, some better,some less so, in some areas than me..what I loathe about the ANZ culture industry today is
* the gatekeeping*
especially about funding.
Any hoo, giving up just now- -
Whoa steven! That site was fantastic! Run a mouse over *anywhere* and you get *anywhere*! So good-
Jolissa - I have resisted posting Uncle Bill and us dumprats (as kids & adults) because it would be very long & personal to the max but I truly enjoyed your post.
Very interesting Sacha, and thanks for the links...
Key as a forex trader is one thing: from experience, he probably does have really good instincts there. (There is, however, that quality - luck.)
Key as a politician, running a team, juggling very complex social scenarios as well as economic ones, is another matter altogether. -
From the chill-swept outposts of the Wet Coast - Steve Joyce's positioning says to me, Same old, same old, same *old*-
National isnt offering *anything* visionary/new/hopeful/inclusive.
Just a tired old rich-bastards-club- -
Worse: I've seen my sister's lab/retriever eat an entire phuquing lemon! There were other witnesses. We all stared (o, except for the cat, a Russian black. It licked itself in a kind of self-contained yet smug way.)
One of the things I think all poets - and more especially all fiction writers- should do is, build a house, plant a garden, or remake bush.
I've done that, twice over, and look forward to doing it a 3rd, maybe last, see, you can charm and engage with words, quite easily if you're that way inclined. But they dont ring -solid/right/sing- unless they have something substantial behind them.
The other substantials are: pain, grief, and children:they are almost always hands on too.
It is that, hands and head, that makes for a wholeness. I am right-handed, so my right hand is my hammer hand: it is fully a centimetre & a half wider/broader, more muscular & developed than my left hand.
I find though, that fishing is my manual joy- and like all the manual joys I know, it certainly isnt senseless (sorry Kerry Weston) but a mind fully engaged with what the hands are doing so neither predominates-
Sofie - Mishi/Mishka a 19yrold russian black, will be accompanying-
much missed by a wide family- aue aue aue- -
I didnt realise humans could bend and flick and swerve through air and purely*jounce* so much - what a cool clip!