Posts by Islander
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O Mr Tiso, that is a slur on a fine culinary tradition! I am paticularly
interested in fish/shellfish/seaweed eating and cookery and such were rarely fried - steamed, grilled, cold-smoked, broiled, served with delicate sauces, eaten raw,simmered in milk or made into soups (think of partan bree)...that was what the Scots in the north and islands did with fresh seafood. And there was another cooking tradition for the preserved seafood-
I'm using were/was/did but can assure you from happy dining experiences in Scotland that ways my Nanna cooked her meats and fish are continued, and enhanced.
Mind you, we are not talking Glaswegian chippie here... -
O, anybody want to comment about school milk? (eewwwww)
Or, school fishnchips? (1 fish & chips = 6d: 12 oysters/ 2 pieces of fishnchips=1 shilling...) -
I went to primary school between 1952 and 1959 at North New Brighton. They used straps happily on both sexes then. I was very shortsighted, stroppy, individualistic and, as an eldest child,used to voicing my views.I was strapped often on the hands (and I *love* my hands!) I could detail instances of (to my mind)gross raw injustice, and vile dominance by teachers, and equally nasty stuff from whacked and dominated kids - all I can do is empathise with David and others, and TOTALLY support the ending of corporal punishment within schools & families.
All whacking people does is - PROMOTE HATE. -
I've followed this thread with some fascination, and I've learned a bit. Cool. I've learned nothing from Dexter, and I refuse to feed anything to trolls except chunder.
Having and taking care and loving pets is the outreach of our kind of animal - but not exclusively (check out Koko.) And that almost inevitably leads to grieving for the shorter-lived kin - nice cat Damian.
Sorry he's dead- -
Hmmm. Thinks of the earlier meaning of 'browse' = to graze or nibble upon. Hmmm.
Ooo! 'rofflenui' (thanks Sacha!) and 'frugalling' (thanks Stephen Judd!)
-so collectible in a wordhoard sense, and so collected- -
-case sorted-
and Antiques Roadshow is pretty good whatever teh ethnic background-
Fletcher - probably both...refer to 'googly ' (cricket) - I've never heard it pronounced other than with the 'ooo' sound. Would seem to apply to Google/googling/googlies-
"non-pork flavour' going by some of my family's sad experiences...actually almost anything styled 'flavoured' is NOT going to have aforesaid substance in it. Also, be extremely wary about anything described as "NZ made, with local & imported ingredients" - the translation is : 'assembled in ANZ with buggerall local ingredients.'
Tip: buy clearly locally-sourced foodstuffs! I paticularly reccommend stuff like garlic (costs more/keeps waaay better/TASTES!); local veg
(especially frozen), and chicken & fish.