Posts by Islander
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As someone noted over in the other thread, copyright is also a matter of *control* over what happens with a work you have created.
Most contracts for writers will specify just what areas publishers want to obtain - audio, dramatisation, electronic, etc.. In some of my work, I am happy to on-sell some of those property rights; in other work, I am not (which is why I *always* retain control of dramatisation and electronic rights, and generally of audio, and may negotiate other contracts later.)
Matthew Poole et al- tell me why anyone should have the right to use my words in other media for their own benefit without paying me for the use of those words? During the copyright period? (Or my estate once I'm dead?) And, my words sometimes make memorable characters which are my property too...
Moomintroll series *do* have the odd wee scary bits (I Love 'em tho')- is he interested in natural history? If so, might I reccommend Rene Guillot? Who based several books in Africa, on African animals. I paticularly remember "Oworo" (about a chimpanzee - I was nuts about chimps, elephants and dolphins as a kid - still am)- sad in parts but not scary. There are several others...
And yep, Rob, I love being alive. I dont want to go on a dole or a benefit but I'd *really* prefer to keep on living without relying on just bush tucker or going begging-
Matthew Poole - I certainly wouldnt expect *one* work to pay me for my lifetime...but I've had 7 books published, and over 50 other pieces of writing published and many still in print. As I mentioned apropos CCL, I'm not getting a proper return while others - who *didnt* create the works- are getting more than I am.Your analogy is weird: I dont feel anybody owes me a lifelong income - except when it's my work, *my* copyright, during *my* lifetime - but those items are being/have been augmented during my working life. Copyright is the *only* source of income most creative people have. A doctor - and this is where your analogy is not only weird but totally non-correlative - who cures a 'terminal' (sorry, terminal is terminal) illness is paid for the cure, not the on-going life...a writer is paid for the continual copying and purveying of their original work.
Life-long & adequate return would suit me - with the provisio that I pass on negotiating rights for the next stipulated generation.
Note the *adequate*.
I make way less than the average wage from royalties, and will still be working for another coupla years before I have anything publishable. Self-supported.
I have received just ONE payment from the CCL - that was from VUP
who gave almost NO details (like time span/copy numbers etc.) and - without *any* contractual warrant or right - took half of it...And that was for my first collection of short stories-
I receive - not large, but regular - amounts from ALAC (UK-based) for my first novel.
I've NEVER received anything for that novel from CCL - or any of my other books.
Ok, I'd scream again but I am getting very worn down by the utter shit ANZ writers have to deal with, and my arthritis, and - oh just go whimper off into the dark - unless there is a nice copyright lawyer/shark willing to do a deal???
What used to be relatively common (and yeah, that is a pun) half a century or so ago, was sexual molestation of children. It might be groping, finger penetration, unwanted tonguing - or much worse- but, then. you could almost always be certain that, female *or* male, the kid got blamed.
Also, physical violence and mental violence, were commonplace, almost expected, even in good whanau. Dont forget that, the period/s I'm talking about, followed world wars and thousands of traumatised males - here.
Soo, stories could be told that'd - most unfortunately - match Emma's - and others. I dont think we should bury or forget the stories: recalling them, and keeping an extremely wary eye out for children & young people today is An Extremely Good Idea.
Does this being have Literacy Check? I'm sure iMacs have it....
Aue, I'd forgotten about bagluggers (there were very few in the South Island) but, on Riccarton Road, if I'd - the old term used to be'woodened' and 'pumped' never caught on - so,' clubbed' by any other name?- anyway, if I'd whacked a dog in that area, shopkeepers would've rushed out with lavish gifts...
in the secret adjoining suburbs, it all was kept deathly silent.
Iron itself and shelve in the linen cupboard too?