Posts by Islander
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and the @!$#@&*! machine did die - but I'd hit 'post' a nanosecond before!
Anyway - further clarifications? More intimate revelations apropos royalties/rates/extreme nastiness on the part of publishers/CLL? Here is your deep throat-
Keir - no you & Sacha & the Grok have pointed out, there was already a kind of trail.
I'm working on my Apple lemon (o yes! There are such-) so I hope it doesnt freeze as it's done several times over the past months: Mark, there are quite a few comments I could make apropos going from one medium to another, and whether this what makes a living culture, and, indeed, whether your personal tussle with something that doesnt quite work in one medium might be made to work in another (except it would - forgive me, I'm paraphrasing- be a betrayal of characters/story to do that) *but*
I'll just go here: no book/story/painting/film is *static* because copyright prevents people stealing (it's not just 'using') another person's creation: if what you create works in any way, it works in people's heads. It is vital, vibrant, alive, everytime it works in someone's head. And - as you rightly say- 'none of us create in a vacuum - hell, we use language/s for a kick-off!)
I would add, of course I didnt expect my first novel to errm, *spread* the way it did. It -just happened
O, and really important Sacha-
best catch to date here was nearly 10kg for the tide - and that was two big fit 'baiters plying nets on the north bank, and a 10yrold looking after the sock net, and - not least - a cleaner-sorter making sure the catch was ready for me to cook (being currently unable to 'bait.)
= still not running - yet!
Keir - um sorry, I use the name Islander on the net a lot (it's the literal translation of my surname which, yeah, is holm/ hulme/home.) I would totally go along with state funding for established people-who-create-art. There is the Irish option - you dont pay tax on royalties. There is the Scandanavian option - you recieve a stipend up until your yearly earnings reach a certain threshold. Either would - I think - benefit people who are serious about what they do. And I rarely meet creative people who a) arnt serious about what they do and b)havent already given up a hell of a lot of normal expectations for what they could expect to receive for their works.
But - we're then looking at increased bureacracy & administration costs...
Sacha - your suggestion was creative and original- but I truly cant see better - for the moment - suggestions that I offer here. (And my 'curl-up&die' post of yestereve was part tongue in cheek, and part arthritis kicking me around - sorry!)
For the record, I earn 10% - or less - for any copy of any of my books that are sold here, or overseas.
Mark Harris - one of my books has brought in many *thousands* ofpaying tourists who come here because of it (and I dont mean just to the Coast.) And -while the area gains benefit from their presence - I dont.
No one owes me a living? Right - but my *work* provides a *lot* of other people with - at least- enhancement for *their* living - and I get very little recompense for that.
I think you know diddlysquat about the literary game-
Mark Harris "And the only person who has to esteem it to give it value is you, mmkay?"
And that feeds me & mine, right?
Sacha, pretty well every bureaucrat I've ever had dealings with - and an Intellectual Property Bank would be a bureaucrat's wet dream - is earning more than I am - with way fewer expenses. Sorry, cant see how your idea helps us at t'coalface-
OK, I'll give up, just go away and die - because very obviously what I do is not esteemed (sure as shit even now isnt paid for!) and isnt important in any way,
*use* ANY of my characters and I'lll try to financially kill you -Mark, we are not talking series, we are talking charcaters that are known, unique, pertinent--
Sacha-the only ways we have now for protection of creative work involve copyright. I am so tired & disgusted by the whole set up-
Mark H - thanks v. much for those site addresses.
Lyndon Hood - in response to your question 'Why should anyone have to pay (me)?" Intellectual property rights.
My Grandmother Range is as interesting as pretty well everyones'-
Nanna was born in Waianakarua, was schooled (up until Standard 6) in Totara ( both south of Oamaru) and travelled north as far as Christchurch and the odd tiki-tour into North Canterbury including Hanmer Springs; and south as far as Rakiura. She never flew in a plane, never ventured into the North Island...
Her parents had ventured forth from the Orkneys but, once arriving in Dunedin in the late 1860s, never went further north than Oamaru.
Thanks for those suggestions Russell - I've tried Talisker in a couple of different year-bottlings (and certainly enjoyed those) but those 2 sound exponentially better...