Posts by Max Call
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also with regards to NZ literacy/numeracy - ASAIK we perform well at the higher levels of achievement but have a loooong tail of failing students
How do you rate the performance to date of Anne Tolley as Minister of Education?
Very Good (31.0%, 23 Votes)
Good (28.0%, 21 Votes)
Average (19.0%, 14 Votes)
Very Poor (14.0%, 10 Votes)
Poor (8.0%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 74I would like to know how on earth the majority of voters in this poll from Kiwiblog (as at a few seconds ago) gave Anne Tolley 'very good' or 'good' - BASED ON WHAT????
i voted very poor -
for the evil scrum, that is
you are attending -
wedding your are attending - Rotorua?
did your Uncle wear?? them again?
haha - Danielle posted while I typed out my response/ - no-one handed in my pop's (paternal grandad) teeth :-(
I was also concerned to note that false teeth might be released into the river -- which, in my opinion, is even more terrifying than ordinary sewage.
that reminds me of one of my pop's funny-but-true-as stories.
When he was abut 75ish he got on the home-brews with some mates (most of whom were about 10 years younger..). All he remembered the next morning when he woke up all gummy was that he had puked profusely into the toilet...however, this was in Whangamata - not CHCH.
born 1976 (me)