Posts by Geoff Lealand

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  • Hard News: The Future of Television, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Those folk who get sniffy about Shortland Street haven't watched it for a long, long time. I am proud to say it has been one of the more enjoyable aspects of life in New Zealand for the last 20+ years. I have a colleague who reaches Classics and he would agree.

    But as for ratings and Peoplemeters....Nielsen only claim that they report Presence in a room where a TV set is on. Perhaps we could debate as to whether this is the same as watching television.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Speaker: About Radio NZ's new…,

    Excellent news. I have hammered on for a long time about the need for Nat Rad to be doing more to draw in a younger audience and a little less for the audience which is rapidly shuffling off to the rest home (no more Matinee Idle, please!!!)
    But we need to be cautious about this ‘digital natives/immigrants’ scenario, for there is evidence that older users are in catch-up mode re newer digital technology, and often more competent than younger users. Many of my students can find their way around the web but are less adept at judging the value or authenticity of what they find eg many cannot discern agendas, nor place things in a historical or cultural context, nor distinguish knowledge from information. One repeated error is ignoring the date of publication of sources, so that something first published in 1969 is treated with the same regard as something published in 2009. Which is why I think that educators have a vital role in mediating between students and technology.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Next Kids,

    Lou Reed, eh!

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Movie Disaster,

    Sounding like a stuck record but if good dramas such as Harry, Nothing Trivial etc are to be considered unsuccessful, it isn't necessary for a lack of an engaged and loyal audience. It is more to do with the continuing dependence of mainstream TV on the the effing bloody Peoplemeter system of audience measurement, which is increasingly becoming fraudulent in these days of audience fragmentation and channel proliferation.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Next Kids, in reply to Simon Grigg,

    Tuck one in your bag for me on your next trip back? In the meantime, I acquiring a portable machine via Trademe.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Next Kids,

    Just to divert attention from what is going these days in music: chanced on an amazing collection of old 78s, in good condition, at a Save the Children fair last Saturday. Meticulously-labelled boxes of 1930s/40s core jazz eg Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Jose Turner, Duke Ellington, Woody Herman etc eand a few novelty items (Hari Kari & His Saki Sippers). Obviously some old bloke's treasured collection. I am now tracking down a means to play them.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Speaker: Ed Kuepper: a legend interviewed,

    In other music news, coming to the Arts Festival in Wellington next February: Charles Bradley, Neko Case and Yo La Tengo

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving right along?,

    .... and Chuang was not an employee in any conventional sense of the word, so workplace considerations are irrelevant.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving right along?, in reply to Seamus Harris,

    You just seem to be excessively judgemental,

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving right along?, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    ... and a curse 'pon both their houses!

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts Report

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