Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Hard News: Friday Music: Punk rock and…, in reply to
Sure is. Any chance of removing it?
Bloody brilliant news! There is a book or two called Media Matters, so you are in good company. Hope there will be opportunities to bring vanloads of students.
Speaker: Levelling the Playing Field, in reply to
.... And the distribution problem, when film distribution and programming in NZ is dominated by Australian companies, or Australian-based affiliates of US distributors. There are around 9o+ independent/-art house cinemas in NZ (see a full listing on my site but they tend to operate on a uncoordinated, individual basis with distributors, and NZ films are not always favoured.
I remember encountering the guys who made Netherwood (a decent local Western) when they were travelling around in a van in search of friendly cinema managers, and attempting to recruit patrons by running a BBQ outside the cinema, -
I wonder why there has been little mention of Trevor Richards and important role of HART.
An appropriate way to celebrate New Zealand's connection with Mandela: a candlelight ceremony at Rugby Park in Hamilton on Sunday night, with John Minto in attendance.
S'later (as in 'see you later'). Or 'horacle'. Or 'geesees'beebill'.
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
or Loyals?
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
We should make 2014 the year in which we finally rid ourselves of the tyranny of ratings
Or yet another L word: "Luminaries"
"Look". As in its use to preface every statement from a politician or PR apologist.
Or another L word: " Lorde"