Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Hard News: A law gone awry, in reply to
Yes, not doing his/her case (whatever that may be) much favour.
Hard News: What rules are these?, in reply to
Jeez! I wish I hadn't clicked on his site, for it made my head spin. What an extraordinary septic tank load of gobbledygook. He might be better employed in the firewood industry.
All is not lost at the SST. Grant Smithies wrote a perceptive column in yesterday's edition about the obsession women's magazines have with Jennifer Anniston, and peverse interest such magazines have with finding fault with celebs (all those arrows pointing to cellulite zones!).
Hard News: Autism and celebrity, in reply to
Which is really one of the primary roles of education these days -- to distinguish knowledge from information, truth from noise, authoritative data from the spurious. One problem I frequently encounter with students is that many of them tend to regard everything on the web as of equal value, irrespective of the source (and date of publication). I refer to this as The Daily Mail Problem, where students have no awareness of the nature of the source.
So, I guess you are not all rushing out to buy Geoff Sewell's latest dribblings for Mother's Day? He was allowed to get away with quite extraordinary self-promotion on Jim Mora's programme this afternoon,
I don't know whether it was because I emailed them (home today, nursing a 'orrible cold) but Jim Mora referenced Russell's thread in his interview with Sewell just now. I suggested that if the conversation strayed from the first purpose of plugging his new album (ever so middle-brow!), they needed to read Celebrity and Autism firstly.
One up for the Austrians. Could be worse--could be Miss Brat Wurst.
Timely stuff, Russell. I still hear folk trot out the 'Long Tail' tosh as if it were established fact.
On another topic, just read an interesting article in Screen Education (Aust) about how some cinemas are now doing special film screenings for sensory-sensitive/autistic children--keeping the lights on, turning down the sound etc. Would you like me to mail you a copy?
Access: Defective, deficient, deviant…, in reply to
Sacha; did you get my message offering to send copies of a couple of interesting articles from Australian journals?
Lovely stuff, Jackson--especially the projector.