Posts by recordari

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  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    In case anyone is going to venture, do NOT read "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell."

    Damn, I thought I liked it, but clearly I was mistaken. Perhaps I'll re-read it to see why in reality, I didn't. ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    And well, what's wrong with a bit of angst as long as there's some light at the end of the tunnel?

    Oh, I like the angst. If I were forced to choose between comedy and angst, I'd pick angst. I'm still waiting for the novel to go with the Smith's first album. Nick Cave's new novel The Death of Bunny Munro looks good and angsty. Ok, not a word. Although it was apprently Inspired by Avril Lavigne and Kylie Minogue’s Hot Pants. What? Might skip that one.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Steve B, yes, in any language, it is decidedly so.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Or a curry?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Thanks Cecelia. I was hoping someone else would admit to not being initiated into the 'Pterry club' yet. It is somewhat exciting though, as if his books are really that good, I can't wait to get started.

    Read Nick Horby's Juliet naked over break. I'm a bit of an 80s musical train spotting geek, so it spoke to me in that sense. However, if he is touted as being one of Britain's best comedy writers, I would expect more than two LOL moments in the book. He seems to do angst about as well, or better, than comedy.

    As for Ben Elton's Meltdown, well that just simply wasn't funny.
    Spoiler Alert
    Maybe the notion of another white male who perpetuated the greed driven credit crunch getting off relatively scott free somewhat negated the humour. Or am I being a bit harsh?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Stories: Love,

    Phew! Just checking because I was going to share a poem I wrote in 1989 about Lighthouses and dying called When I die, bury me at Castle Point, but the continuity person was at lunch when I wrote it and I end up buried in two different places, which was not so much artistic as literary negligence. I guess I could go all 'Chainsaw massacre' on it and solve it that way...

    See what my '21 years later' re-edit can achieve, but I suspect the 'bonfire of humanity' might be the end result.

    Time for some more 'man alone' time.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Stories: Love,

    Steven, I'm worried that we're all missing the point, and you need a hug or something. Isolation. Pain. Lighthouses. Melancholy. Last man on earth. I can see how all these are associated with the concept of 'Love', at least in a broader sense, but still, being relatively new here, I didn't want to miss an opportunity to extend the olive branch of compassion (wrong branch, what is it?) if it is needed.

    And by the way, just clicked on your web link and got this weird blinking, fit inducing, binary screen that was somewhat scary.

    If this is all just some clever deep seated reference that I'm not privy to, then carry on, and yes, the Melancholy movie is on and running...

    PS Dunedin. Like Auckland. Yeah, right!

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Stories: Love,

    Dunedin. Where the bloody hell is it?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    We had 'Crouching Tiger & Hidden Dragon', for the twins. It was topical, and wholly appropriate.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Love the Frente too. That's a decent interpretive cover, rather than a cash-in Remix.

    Anyhoo, I'm gonna stop because I have clearly reached the point of crusty old musical snob. Rich, the good thing about Musical opinion is that it is, well an opinion. The fact is if I didn't love New Order, I'd be excommunicated, which perhaps Simon will understand better than most ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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